are slim that district police will be in a position to follow up on the
online activities of handgun license applicants. On Friday YLE sounded
the opinions of police precincts across the country and found that in
general, police felt they would need more staff and expertise for such
an assignment.
In Tampere, as in other larger police posts,
there is an IT crime unit with access to all Internet sites. However
Aapo Nuotio, Tampere Ploice Chief, notes that there is so much online
content that can be investigated that it's simply not possible to
monitor all that cyberspace can offer.
Officers at the Turku
police district say the IT skills, equipment and guidelines needed to
do the job are already in place. However, they say that more resources
are needed. They add that a big benefit would be to get general tips on
online communications.
"Tips are coming in frequently - almost
weekly - about all kinds of illegal activities such as violence, but
also about child pornography," said Turku Crime Commissioner Jari
However, the Internet surveillance detail is a lot
more difficult for smaller police precincts. For example, Riihimäki
police say that their officers simply cannot access the Internet using
official computers.
Police chiefs in Tornio and Kemi say in
their officers can't keep an eye on potentially dangerous online
activity at all. The Tornio police station does have an Internet
connection which allows access to sites such as Youtube, but there just
isn't enough manpower to support systematic surveillance.